
We are a member of various associations and networks in order to promote exchange within the industries in which C.F. Maier operates and to support their interests.

Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe (AVK)

As a manufacturer of sophisticated plastic systems and components, C.F. Maier is a member of the AVK. The Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe is both the oldest interest group in the plastics industry in Germany and one of the largest associations in this field in Europe. With our membership, we would like to strengthen the plastics industry in Germany and contribute to the advancement of innovations.

Verband Deutscher Werkzeug- und Formenbauer (VDWF)

C.F. Maier not only produces plastic components, but also designs, develops and builds tools in order to manufacture components that are perfectly adapted to our customers' requirements. C.F. Maier is therefore a member of the VDWF. With our membership, we would like to contribute to the exchange within the association network and to the visibility of the industry in Germany.

Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. (CIVD)

As a supplier to several renowned manufacturers of leisure vehicles, C.F. Maier is a supporting member of the CIVD. The Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. represents the interests and concerns of the caravanning industry. With our membership, we support the association as the voice of the industry vis-à-vis representatives of politics, the media and the public.

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