Our company history

Schwarz-weiß Aufnahme vom Gebäude der Metallgießerei

In 1925, Christian Maier founded a metal foundry in Schnaitheim, a suburb of Heidenheim an der Brenz, where his sons Erich and Friedrich later also worked.

Alte Aufnahme von aus GFK gefertigten Tanks

In 1964, Christian and Friedrich Maier founded C.F. Maier, the first plastics company of the future group, in order to focus more on the material glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP), which was gradually emerging in Germany in the 1950s. It is based in Königsbronn and processes fiber-reinforced plastics. The name of the company is made up of the initials of the first names and the surname of the founders.

Altes Foto eines SCA-Hochdachs

C.F. Maier Polymertechnik is founded in 1987. New plastics and processes are introduced. In the same year, the SCA brand is also acquired. C.F. Maier had already been a supplier to the well-known manufacturer of high roofs, pop-up roofs and lifting roofs for motorhomes for a long time.

Aufnahme des Firmengebäudes der C.F. Maier Polymertechnik in Schillingsfürst

In 1991, a new site is opened in Schillingsfürst to accommodate the continuous growth of the company: C.F. Maier Polymertechnik relocates. The plant is expanded in 1999.

Vier Bilder von verschiedenen C.F. Maier-Werken auf der Welt

In 1988, the first C.F. Maier foreign company was founded in Tunisia under the name Industrie Tuniso-Allemande du Plastique (ITAP). Further foreign companies follow: C.F. Maier Composites in the USA in 1990, C.F. Maier Polimer Teknik in Turkey in 1996 and C.F. Maier Polimer Technikai in Hungary in 2002.

Frontaufnahme des C.F. Maier-Firmenhauptsitzes

For better organization and coordination of orders, C.F. Maier Europlast is founded in 2000, which acts as a development and sales company. As a result, the synthetic resin plant in Königsbronn, Polymertechnik in Schillingsfürst, ITAP and later also the foreign companies in Turkey and Hungary become pure production facilities.

Nahaufnahme einer Fahrzeugarmatur aus Carbon

In 2008, carbon fiber-reinforced synthetic resins (CFRP) are also processed at the Königsbronner Kunstharzwerk for the first time.

Aufnahme von einem SCA-Messestand

SCA Service GmbH & Co KG is founded in 2020. With SCA Service, high and pop-up roofs are sold for the first time not only to motorhome builders, but also to end customers. The product range in the camping sector is expanded.

Aufnahme aus einer Fertigungshalle

The C.F. Maier Polymertechnik plant in Schillingsfürst will be expanded again in 2021.

Das Jaksche-Firmengebäude

In 2023, the C.F. Maier Group takes over Jaksche Kunststofftechnik. With this strategic acquisition, C.F. Maier is further expanding its product portfolio and strengthening its position in a growing market.

Eine Frau öffnet eine Packasport-Dachbox

In 2024, C.F. Maier acquires Packasport, a leading provider of premium roof boxes for the US camping and leisure market, thus expanding its portfolio to include pioneering transportation solutions for leisure vehicles in the USA.

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